Saturday, September 22, 2012

What You Need to Work at Home Philippines

Okay, after that little bit of hiatus (which was frankly longer than I expected it to be), I think it’s about time we started our work at home regimen. Don’t worry because to work from home is actually not that hard – in fact, like what all of those networking gurus keep on saying: nothing’s impossible if you put your mind to it. Plus, when you work at home, it’s a lot more believable than selling a wonder product.

1.      A Main Skill

Want to know how do I get a job in IT that works for me and my schedule (I’m a volunteer teacher, by the way)? I focus on a skill and market that online. You see I’ve been wondering for the longest time how do I get a job in IT and work at home at the same time. Then I found out that to best market myself, I needed to specialize.

So what’s your main skill? Do you write? Do you do graphic design? Do you like taking photographs? Yes, if you can do it on a computer or pass your output digitally then I’m pretty certain you can use that to work from home. For example, I work from home by submitting articles online. Writing is my main skill. My friend, who recently got on oDesk, does work from home by submitting photographs. His main skill is photography.      

So how do I get a job in IT in a work at home setup? Simple, just pick your main IT skill and market that. Graphic Design? Web Design? 3D animation? You name it, there’s a good chance you’re going to stop asking yourself, “How do I get a job in IT?”

2.       Register at oDesk

What is Odesk? Well, if you haven’t visited their site just yet, then you should definitely head on to their site after you read this blog post, and get yourself registered. And what is Odesk all about? It’s all about connecting freelancers (that’s what you can call yourself when you work at home) with foreign employers. If you’re still a bit unsure about oDesk and still want to find out more about what is Odesk able to provide you, don’t worry because I’ll have a posting just for that. Now quit asking what is oDesk for and go finish reading so you can head on to oDesk after this.

By the way, I’m not earning money from directing you to Odesk (although I wish I did), but I’ve been a member of oDesk for since 2010 and frankly, it’s a pretty great site.  I don’t need to post a copy of my earnings, right? I mean, I’m not out here to make you millionaires. I’m here to help you earn extra in your spare time.

3.       An Internet Connection

Of course you need an internet connection. If you have a stable internet connection, it’s going to be useful especially if you’re looking to work from home as a call center agent or a virtual assistant.

If you have all three then you’re ready to start to work from home and earn extra cash. Just remember, this isn’t a get rich quick scheme. We’re just here to help each other out. So, if you need to know more, just drop a comment or like our FB page and send me an email.

Also, if you need help on how to make an Odesk profile that attracts employers, we’ll have a posting about that soon.

What else do you need help with? Just leave requests at the comment section below so it’s easier for me to keep tabs.

God bless, everyone.